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/ Current Shareware 1996 January / Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO / windows / window95 / alm35c.zip

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File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
ALM35C.ZIP     468289  10-22-95  ALMANAC v3.5c - (Windows 95/Windows NT) A
                               | powerful calendar application for Windows 95
                               | and NT.  Separate, configurable windows for
                               | your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list,
                               | phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search
                               | tool - displays what you need, when you need
                               | it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise
                               | sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and
                               | Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule
                               | data to any time zone.

Archives (17)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ALM35.HL_ MS Compress Archive 1 74KB 1994-12-16
ALMACENT.DA_ MS Compress Archive 1 190b 1994-12-16
ALMANC32.EX_ MS Compress Archive 1 344KB 1995-09-09
ALMDEU.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 1KB 1994-12-16
ALMESP.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 1KB 1994-12-16
ALMFRA.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 1KB 1994-12-16
ALMLOCAL.DA_ MS Compress Archive 1 1KB 1994-12-16
ALMSYM.TT_ MS Compress Archive 1 5KB 1994-12-16
ALMTZ.DA_ MS Compress Archive 1 2KB 1994-12-16
CAN_HDAY.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 592b 1994-12-16
CHRSTIAN.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 254b 1994-12-16
DEFAULT.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 374b 1994-12-16
FRA_HDAY.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 190b 1994-12-16
GBR_HDAY.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 291b 1994-12-16
JEWISH.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 331b 1994-12-16
JPN_HDAY.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 571b 1994-12-16
USA_HDAY.AL_ MS Compress Archive 1 703b 1994-12-16

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALMENG.TXT Text File 134 2KB 1994-12-16
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 424b 1995-09-09
README32.TXT Text File 287 11KB 1994-12-16
REGISTER.TXT Text File 141 5KB 1995-09-09
SETUP32.INF Text File 21 990b 1994-12-16
UPGRADE.TXT Text File 176 6KB 1995-09-09
WHATSNEW.TXT Text File 326 14KB 1994-12-16

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SETUP32.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4 92KB 1995-09-09